Tackle your quit today
1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)

You Control the Can.

You want to quit.
You can quit.
Now it’s time to do it—and the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline will help you every step of the way.

Overcome Your Addiction

Expert Quit Coaches have tools to help you achieve your goal: kicking the habit.

On Call Around the Clock

You can start your quit any time, day or night. We’re here 24/7, so give us a call when you’re ready to get going.

Ready to Get to Work

After you register on your first call, you’ll be on your path to quitting. We’ll send you resources to make your quit work for you.

Tools and Tactics

As you work to make changes, our Quit Coaches can add tools to your quit toolbox. Call for tips and tricks so you can cross your finish line.

Where to Start

With the right plan, you’re capable of handling any job.

Find additional helpful tips for your quit process—including our full Quit Checklist—through the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline.


Talk to your healthcare provider about resources available for quitting.


Get tools, tips and access to experts by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW.


Start building your quit plan.

The Can Doesn’t Control You.

The Nebraska Tobacco Quitline has your back. Take charge by getting tools to help tackle your quit by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW.