Don’t Let Tobacco Drag You Down

You’re not alone. Tobacco is a burden for many, but there’s a way to lift the weight from your shoulders—and the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline can help.

Quitting Is All About Trying

New behaviors don’t always stick the first time. Or the second. Or the third.

But for those that keep trying, there’s always something new to learn—what works and what doesn’t. Quitting will be well worth it, and you can get help every step of the way.

You Can Do This

Kicking the habit will change your life. Follow in the footsteps of other successful Quitline clients when you complete your quit.

“Having a quit plan and a team in my corner helped me focus on why I wanted to quit and avoid trigger points in order to succeed.”
“I made a commitment to myself and my overall health. Tobacco just didn’t fit anymore.”
“Adjusting how I dealt with stress was key to my quit plan—drink water, chew gum, walk more often—and these little changes made a big difference.”

Begin Your Quit

Pick up the phone, give us a call and take the first step on your path to a tobacco-free future.